Cover Base Gel (Camouflage Base Coat) №4
Cover Base Gel (Camouflage Base Coat) №4
The camouflage base coat by the famous international brand KODI PROFESSIONAL not only guarantees the durability of the manicure but also gives the nail plate a beautiful shade, hiding imperfections. This is due to the abundance of pigments in the composition of the product. Now, the favourite bases of many nail artists are available in a new, larger 30 ml bottle! More products, more opportunities to implement the most exciting ideas. All camouflage bases are easy to apply and distribute, have excellent adhesive properties, and are soluble.
Cover Base Gel №4 is a base of a pleasant warm peach color with fine golden shimmer.
Application recommendations: Rub a thin layer of Rubber Base Gel or Quick Base underneath the pigmented base and polymerise it for 30 seconds under an LED lamp or two minutes under a UV lamp. Apply the pigmented base in two thin coats, spending 90–120 seconds polymerising each layer. If required, a single coat may be applied with very little (minimum) nail plate levelling at the master's discretion. In this instance, polymerisation takes 90–120 seconds.